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Huawei Hubble investment knowledge storage technology

Huawei Hubble investment knowledge storage technology

According to the Tianyang App, recently, Beijing Knowledge Storage Technology Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes, and the new shareholder Shenzhen Hubble Technology Investment Partnership (limited partnership) has been added. At…

Time: 2023-06-17

Saic GM Wuling to promote the

Saic GM Wuling to promote the "strong core" strategy

According to the research of rendForce Jibang Consulting, the revenue of the worlds top ten wafer OEMs fell 18.6% in the first quarter, about US $27.3 billion, due to the continued weakness of terminal demand and the addition of off-season effects.The…

Time: 2023-06-17

Intel and Samsung are not spending as much or growing as TSMC

Intel and Samsung are not spending as much or growing as TSMC

The Semiconductor Industry Association International (SEMI) predicts that global wafer equipment spending will increase for three years in a row. Goldman Sachs Securities is optimistic about the demand of the wafer industry and simultaneously revised …

Time: 2023-06-17

SynSense, a brain-like chip company

SynSense, a brain-like chip company

On September 17, SynSense Time Knowledge Technology, a brain-like chip company, announced the completion of nearly 200 million yuan of Pre-B round financing, jointly led by Qikang Investment and Zhang Jiang science Investment, followed by industrial i…

Time: 2023-06-17

Infineon's 300mm thin wafer power semiconductor high-tech plant has officially started operation

Infineon's 300mm thin wafer power semiconductor high-tech plant has officially started operation

Infineon Technologies AG today announced the opening of its 300mm thin wafer power semiconductor chip plant in Villach, Austria. With a total investment of 1.6 billion euros, the "future-oriented" chip plant is one of the largest projects of…

Time: 2023-06-17